International Financial Congress
The Exchange presented a prototype of the financial products Marketplace in St. Petersburg together with the CBR.

FINFAIR Financial Solutions Fair
FINFAIR, a large-scale event across Moscow, was attended by approximately 7,000 people seeking how to preserve and grow their personal savings.

Exchange Forums
Exchange Forums are held annually across the world’s major investment centers, such as London, New York, Shanghai and Moscow.

MOEX ranked among the world’s best employers
The Exchange was recognized as one of the World’s Best Employers for the second year in a row according to Forbes Magazine’s top 500 global employers ranking.

Russia-China investment conference
Held in partnership with Shanghai Stock Exchange in Moscow and St. Petersburg, the conference addressed the outlook for the capital markets of Russia and China.

The Corporate Governance in Russia 2018 conference
Delegates discussed Russian and international trends in corporate legislation and regulation, as well as the role of information technologies in improving corporate governance.

Ceremony to award winners of the Annual Report Competition
The contest promotes transparency and effective disclosure for the benefit of investors and clients. In 2018, 122 companies participated in the competition.

Agreement with banks to promote a Marketplace for financial products
At the Finopolis innovative financial technologies forum in Sochi, the Exchange signed a memorandum of cooperation with 21 banks to push forward the financial Marketplace project.

FX & MM Market Forum
The annual MOEX FX and Money Market Forum took place in Sochi. Market leaders were awarded as part of the event.

Roundtable with the Federal Treasury
The Federal Treasury awarded medals to employees of Moscow Exchange for their long-term cooperation and to mark the Treasury’s 25th anniversary.

Moscow Exchange at SPIEF
The Exchange was a business program partner of the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum (SPIEF).

First BPIFs launched on MOEX
Units of the first two mutual funds (BPIF) — on the MOEX total return index and shares of the top 100 global technology companies by market capitalization — were placed on MOEX.

X5 Retail Group GDR listed on MOEX
X5 Retail Group’s global depositary receipts (GDR) were added to the MOEX Level 1 List.

Trading in sunflower seeds launched
Since 2015, MOEX has promoted regulated commodities market trading in agricultural products. In addition to sunflower seeds, it offers trading in cereals (wheat, barley and corn), grain legumes (soy) and sugar.

MOEX directors won Director of the Year National Award
Maria Gordon and Bella Zlatkis, members of the Supervisory Board of the Moscow Exchange, were winners of the 13th Director of the Year National Award.

Ring the Bell for Gender Equality
A ceremony dedicated to gender equality and recognition of the contribution women make to business, politics and the economy was held as part of an initiative supported by 61 securities exchanges worldwide.

Agreement with KASE
The strategic partnership agreement with Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) will provide companies from Russia and Kazakhstan with cost-effective capital raising opportunities and offer investors new investment vehicles.

MOEX employees are active participants of eight corporate sport clubs as well as entertainment and intellectual clubs such as the MOEX Smart Club, MOEX Data Science, MOEX Walk, MOEX Kitchen and MOEX Dance.