Corporate Secretary of the Exchange
In accordance with the resolution of the Supervisory Board, the function of the Exchange’s Corporate Secretary is performed by the Corporate Governance Department headed by its Director, administratively reporting to the Chairman of the Executive Board, and functionally reporting to the Chairman of the Supervisory Board. Resolutions on appointment, dismissal, and remuneration of the Director of the Corporate Governance Department are adopted by the Supervisory Board, which ensures the necessary degree of independence of the work of the governing bodies.
The main tasks of the Corporate Governance Department, which performs the functions of the Corporate Secretary, include:
- participation in the improvement of the corporate governance system and practice of Group companies;
- coordination of the Exchange’s actions to protect and exercise the rights and interests of its shareholders, and, if necessary, of shareholders/participants of the Group companies;
- effective current interaction with shareholders of the Exchange, and, if necessary, with shareholders/participants of Group companies;
- support of effective work of the Supervisory Board and advisory bodies of the Exchange’s Supervisory Board (the «Supervisory Board Committees»), and, if necessary, of supervisory boards/ boards of directors of the Group companies;
- participation in the disclosure of information about the Exchange.
The monitoring of corporate governance practices of the Group and the internal assessment of the effectiveness of the Supervisory Board are conducted annually under the guidance of the Director of Corporate Governance Department.
Since October 2013, Alexander Kamensky has been the Director of the Corporate Governance Department of the Exchange.

Alexander Kamensky Corporate Secretary of Moscow Exchange
Born in 1982 in Moscow.
In 2005, he graduated with honors from the Lomonosov Moscow State University, Law Faculty, with a degree in Jurisprudence. He is also a graduate of the Leadership Programme at the INSEAD Business School. in 2014, he received a Director Certificate from the UK Institute of Directors.
He won the Director of the Year Prize awarded by AID and RSPP in the Corporate Secretary category in 2015; the ARISTOS2014 award in the Best Corporate Governance Director category; the Top1000 Russian Managers 2017 award in the Best Corporate Governance Director category. in 2014–2018, he was ranked first in the Top 1000 Russian Managers of Financial Companies in the Corporate Governance Directors category.
Work experience:
- Since 2013: Director of the Corporate Governance Department— Corporate Secretary of Moscow Exchange.
- 2012–2013: Head of the Corporate Governance Centre—Corporate Secretary of MDM Bank.
- 2011–2012: Manager for Corporate Governance —Corporate Secretary of Enel Russia.
Number of shares held / equity interest in Moscow Exchange: 145,005 pcs / 0.006369702%.
On 6 April 2018, he purchased 333,334 shares and sold 184,043 shares. on 24 September 2018, he sold 4,290 shares.
He does not own any shares in the Exchange’s subsidiaries or affiliates. He has no family relations with any members of the governing and/or supervisory bodies of Moscow Exchange. He has been a member of the Council of the National Union of Corporate Secretaries since 10 October 2016.